This cheat sheet provides a quick reference for some common NFS
(Network File System) commands and concepts. NFS
is a distributed file system protocol that allows a user on a client computer to access files over a network as if they were on the local disk.
Exporting Directories
To share directories from the server to NFS clients, you need to export them.
Edit the NFS exports configuration file:
sudo nano /etc/exports
Export a directory to a specific client:
/path/to/shared/dir client_ip(options)
NFS Server Commands
Managing the NFS server on the server-side involves starting, stopping, and checking its status.
Start the NFS server:
sudo service nfs-kernel-server start
Stop the NFS server:
sudo service nfs-kernel-server stop
Check the status of the NFS server:
sudo service nfs-kernel-server status
NFS Client Commands
On the client-side, you can mount and unmount NFS shares.
Mount an NFS share:
sudo mount server_ip:/shared_dir /mnt/local_mount_point
Unmount an NFS share:
sudo umount /mnt/local_mount_point
Viewing NFS Mounts
You can view mounted NFS shares on a client.
- List mounted NFS shares on the client:
mount | grep nfs
NFS Security
allows you to control access to shared directories using export options.
Export a directory with read-only access:
/path/to/shared/dir client_ip(ro)
Export a directory with read-write access:
/path/to/shared/dir client_ip(rw)
Edit the NFS exports configuration file:
sudo nano /etc/exports
Start the NFS server:
sudo service nfs-kernel-server start
Stop the NFS server:
sudo service nfs-kernel-server stop
Check the status of the NFS server:
sudo service nfs-kernel-server status
Mount an NFS share:
sudo mount server_ip:/shared_dir /mnt/local_mount_point
Unmount an NFS share:
sudo umount /mnt/local_mount_point
List mounted NFS shares on the client:
mount | grep nfs
This cheat sheet covers some common NFS
(Network File System) commands and concepts. NFS
is a powerful protocol for sharing files and directories across a network, making it valuable for network file sharing and storage solutions; refer to the official NFS
documentation for more in-depth information and advanced usage.